
What to Expect From an Air Conditioning Service

Air conditioning systems rely on complex electrical components and if these are not properly cared for, problems can occur. Regular service of your system can help to minimize these issues and it can also detect those components that are approaching their end of life, preventing major problems from developing. This is why it’s so important to schedule maintenance twice a year, especially for commercial buildings where air conditioning systems have a greater impact on productivity.

As with any mechanical system, your air conditioning unit will work hard over the summer and if it’s not well maintained, it can wear out faster than other machines in your house. An AC technician will be able to inspect the equipment and make any necessary repairs before this happens. This can save you a lot of money, not to mention a broken down AC in the middle of the summer!

An air conditioning service will involve many different tasks depending on the type of system and when it was last serviced. However, some of the most common tasks include:

A service can be a good opportunity to clean the system. During this process, the professional will replace the air filter and clean the coils and fins. This will ensure that allergens are reduced and that the machine is working efficiently.

The service can also include a health and safety inspection of the system. This includes examining the fan and condensate coils, checking that all controls are working correctly, looking at the running pressures, and testing and cleaning the control panel. A professional will also check that all fuses and circuit breakers are in good working order.

Air conditioning services can identify any safety concerns and this is particularly important if the system is used by vulnerable people, such as children or elderly persons. A qualified technician will be able to look for any obvious signs of a problem and this can prevent a serious accident from occurring.

If the air conditioner isn’t performing well, it will waste electricity and this can add up over time. A service can also be a good time to ask about upgrades or additional filtration systems that may be available. A trained technician will be able to advise on the best options for your home and budget.

The European Union (EU) began a phase down of the use of the most harmful refrigerant gases, which are used to provide cooling in air conditioning systems, in 2015. As part of an air conditioning service, a professional will be able to check that the system is up to date with these changes. This includes updating the ‘Contains F-Gases’ service log labels with the appropriate details and checking that a proper leak record is in place. This is essential to ensure compliance with the EU’s F-Gas quota and phase down schedule.

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